The years fly by too quickly. We do our best to take it all in, but sometimes it’s like drinking from a fire hose. I feel that so deeply – as I am sitting here writing this first (and exciting!) post, I realize I am about to begin my third year enjoying slow mornings and coffee on my patio, admiring the city between perfectly aligned alleyways. The first thing I thought to myself this morning when I sat down was “How has time gone by so quickly?”
My goal for myself this year (and let’s be honest, last year) was to take more photos. I’m talking all the big moments, small moments, and those in-between. I will admit, I did not succeed. I had a brief moment of panic as I was scrolling through my phone trying to find a photo for something, that I realized that I had almost no photos of myself with the ones I love over the last few years. How is that possible!? I’m a photographer. That’s what I do, take photos, right!? But not even I am immune to getting wrapped up in the beautiful, messy chaos of life, that I have forgotten to take brief moments to capture my own memories and little glimmers. You’re not alone.
So I’m back on my soapbox, for myself and all of you.
Something that I am working on for myself this year is to slow down, and take a moment to just be. Whether that’s enjoying the way the sun shines on the lake and pausing to take a photo of how makes it twinkle like a freakin’ dream because that’s one of my favorite glimmers, or quickly snapping a photo of my sister while we laugh uncontrollably because I never want to forget the dimples in her cheeks.
Your glimmers, your family’s story,
While I am capturing my own story, I want to capture yours as it is, right here and right now. I don’t want you to worry about it being the “perfect moment” to finally schedule photos, or the “what if” your outfit doesn’t fit like you saw it on instagram. Capturing your memories is about the raw, beautiful, undone moments with your loves that we can’t ever recreate, they just happen when you just be.
Your photos and those little glimmers that are captured as memories are unique to each of you. That’s what makes your story and your photos special. They tell the story of how your little one scrunches their nose when they’re holding in the biggest belly laugh during their favorite page of a story book, or the way your partner looks at you when you embrace each other that neither of you can see but you can feel it.
While writing this post I couldn’t help but think of the last time I captured memories for my family. It was the most beautiful, warm summer weekend up in the Northwoods of Wisconsin filled with campfires, endless family time, sunshine, and soaking up lake life. It truly was a dream weekend, along with the BEST SURPRISE – my brother in law proposed to my sister! I’m so happy my family and myself have these moments captured, but I can’t believe this is the last time we captured our memories.
So this is a reminder for myself, and for you,